Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Poor Oakley!

Sorry lets see if i'm working this whole blog thing right. it's my first blog!!!yaa!!

I went to the valley with a close high school friend over this past weekend. I had so much fun much needed. We went yard saling and we scored big time! so...i get home Sunday and Josh gets this big grin on his face like oh no should i tell you now or am i going to be dead! I'm like just tell me what can be so bad? haha rightt. He says " I think Oakley broke his arm" i'm like what when "friday" what you didnt tell me " i didt want to ruin your trip" what a sweet husband right. well lucky i work for a dr who lets me take x-rays so we get him take xrays. He doesnt only have one break he has 2. so i get ahold off a on call dr at a vets office and she says he probably needs surgery i'm like how much is that starting at 2000. SURGERY IS NOT AN OPTION. After listening to him cry all night i had to do something. I brought him into the clinic the next morning and we casted him and he's doing good. i thought it would slow him down. NOT ONE BIT!